mGear Customize Rig

If you like to customize the rig, this section might be some help.

Rebuild Rigs

Before building the rig using guide, you need to set an enviroment variable to point to the location of custom scripts:

You can add the following line to maya.env (located under C:\Users\<username>\Documents\maya\2020)

set MGEAR_SHIFTER_CUSTOMSTEP_PATH=C:\Projects\Personal\Global Game Art Contest\Marketplace\Project Files\Maya\rig-build

or run the following Python command inside Maya:

import os
os.environ['MGEAR_SHIFTER_CUSTOMSTEP_PATH'] = 'C:/Projects/Personal/Global Game Art Contest/Marketplace/Project Files/Maya/rig-build'


Replace the path above to point to the correct location on your system.

eg. if the project files are extracted to to D:\Downloads\Shenya, the path then becomes D:\Downloads\Shenya\Maya\rig-build